
Below is a list of the people showing their support for Paul Bellar for Assessor/ Recorder. 

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Current Supports

Stuart Schuffman, Broke Ass Stewart* 

Amy Weiss, 2015 & 2018 Mayoral Candidate*

Gabriella Lopez,  2018 Candidate for School Board*

Alana Rivera

Molly Bellar

Shain Herbert, M

Kol bushgjoka

Bernadette Barnum

Grace Bacigalupi

Andrew Bellis

Ezra Rufino

Merita Bushgjoka

Ryan Dwyer

Jamie Simpson

Craig Given

Megan Zottarelli

Anthony Zottarelli

Grace Bacigalupi

Ryan Dwyer

grace bacigalupi

michael bacigalupi

Kol bushgjoka

* Organization is for identification purposes only